Charging problem
I think it would be very useful to show all the charging points on the route and how many kilometers to the nearest and the next charging point.
Halit ÇINAR About 20 hours ago
Charging problem
I think it would be very useful to show all the charging points on the route and how many kilometers to the nearest and the next charging point.
Halit ÇINAR About 20 hours ago
Awaiting Clarification
Avoids highway 395 in central california
Hi, for a couple years now the map thinks the 395 south of lone pine by the lake is closed but it's not. The problem is it always wants to take a huge way around adding 100 miles to the trip and charging estimates are wrong.
Scott Taylor 2 days ago
Awaiting Clarification
Avoids highway 395 in central california
Hi, for a couple years now the map thinks the 395 south of lone pine by the lake is closed but it's not. The problem is it always wants to take a huge way around adding 100 miles to the trip and charging estimates are wrong.
Scott Taylor 2 days ago
Reset avoided chargers
When running different simulations for the same destination, it's not easy to reset the avoided chargers. We are obliged to launch a different route and return to our 1st simulation to reintegrate the chargers.
CoinCoin 10 days ago
Reset avoided chargers
When running different simulations for the same destination, it's not easy to reset the avoided chargers. We are obliged to launch a different route and return to our 1st simulation to reintegrate the chargers.
CoinCoin 10 days ago
Volkswagen ID. 3, Volkswagen ID. 4 Crozz, Volkswagen ID. 4 X, Volkswagen ID. 6 Crozz, Volkswagen ID. 7 Vizzion, Volkswagen ID. Unyx
Hello. I think it's important to add Volkswagen ID models, produced in China. Currently there are few of them: ID. 3, ID. 4 Crozz, ID. 4 X, ID. 6 Crozz, ID. 7 Vizzion and ID. Unyx. All of them have GBT/AC+GBT/DC charging ports
Vadzim Verhasau 11 days ago
Volkswagen ID. 3, Volkswagen ID. 4 Crozz, Volkswagen ID. 4 X, Volkswagen ID. 6 Crozz, Volkswagen ID. 7 Vizzion, Volkswagen ID. Unyx
Hello. I think it's important to add Volkswagen ID models, produced in China. Currently there are few of them: ID. 3, ID. 4 Crozz, ID. 4 X, ID. 6 Crozz, ID. 7 Vizzion and ID. Unyx. All of them have GBT/AC+GBT/DC charging ports
Vadzim Verhasau 11 days ago
Updating the charge level takes forever
Compared to before, updating the charge level after connecting via the Bluetooth OSB2 adapter takes forever or does not work at all within 15 minutes. Reconnecting or changing the charge level manually and switching back to the adapter does not help. I ride an Enyaq80x with 3.7 software and use the latest version of the app on an iPhone 15pro.
dbonaszewski 13 days ago
Updating the charge level takes forever
Compared to before, updating the charge level after connecting via the Bluetooth OSB2 adapter takes forever or does not work at all within 15 minutes. Reconnecting or changing the charge level manually and switching back to the adapter does not help. I ride an Enyaq80x with 3.7 software and use the latest version of the app on an iPhone 15pro.
dbonaszewski 13 days ago
Awaiting Clarification
Some bugs
-App not showing status of chargers in Australia -Can’t delete waypoints while navigating in Android Auto. You have to use the phone, you can’t do that while driving -Can’t add waypoints while navigating in Android Auto. You have to use the phone, which you can’t do while driving -Doesn’t recognise that you have pulled up at a charger set as a waypoint. -After charging at a waypoint it gets highly confused about where it is. At times it was trying to route me back to the previous waypoint. Only resolved after driving off for 5km. -Won’t restart correctly halfway through a trip. If the phone closes the app and restarts and you are halfway through a trip it wants to route you back to the start of the journey. -During a leg of a trip it sometimes wanders off track as if it has lost the GPS info. -Loading up a preplanned trip takes FOREVER. You have to unlock the phone and bring the app to the front to make it move on. Can’t do that while driving. -Unable to nominate a destination as a waypoint on Android auto. -Feature request-If you set a charger as a waypoint and for some reason you can’t use that charger, be able to nominate an alternative charger waypoint when planning and calculate the charge, distance and status of the alternate waypoint.
Stephen Brown 15 days ago
Awaiting Clarification
Some bugs
-App not showing status of chargers in Australia -Can’t delete waypoints while navigating in Android Auto. You have to use the phone, you can’t do that while driving -Can’t add waypoints while navigating in Android Auto. You have to use the phone, which you can’t do while driving -Doesn’t recognise that you have pulled up at a charger set as a waypoint. -After charging at a waypoint it gets highly confused about where it is. At times it was trying to route me back to the previous waypoint. Only resolved after driving off for 5km. -Won’t restart correctly halfway through a trip. If the phone closes the app and restarts and you are halfway through a trip it wants to route you back to the start of the journey. -During a leg of a trip it sometimes wanders off track as if it has lost the GPS info. -Loading up a preplanned trip takes FOREVER. You have to unlock the phone and bring the app to the front to make it move on. Can’t do that while driving. -Unable to nominate a destination as a waypoint on Android auto. -Feature request-If you set a charger as a waypoint and for some reason you can’t use that charger, be able to nominate an alternative charger waypoint when planning and calculate the charge, distance and status of the alternate waypoint.
Stephen Brown 15 days ago
Taycan (and most other 800v cars) Should Not Route to Superchargers
While there are DEFINITELY scenarios where Superchargers are the better option, the Taycan charges between 50kw and 150kw on a Supercharger, vs 250-320kw on high voltage chargers. Most high-voltage cars charge poorly on lower voltage stations. Take Frisco, CO for example - there is a 350kw EA station less than half a mile away from the Supercharger (V3+ w/ MagicDock). Under no circumstances would I charge at the Supercharger unless EA was full. ABRP is consistently recommending the Supercharger in Frisco on my drive from Denver to Steamboat unless I explicitly tell it to skip that station.
Tim Williams 16 days ago
Taycan (and most other 800v cars) Should Not Route to Superchargers
While there are DEFINITELY scenarios where Superchargers are the better option, the Taycan charges between 50kw and 150kw on a Supercharger, vs 250-320kw on high voltage chargers. Most high-voltage cars charge poorly on lower voltage stations. Take Frisco, CO for example - there is a 350kw EA station less than half a mile away from the Supercharger (V3+ w/ MagicDock). Under no circumstances would I charge at the Supercharger unless EA was full. ABRP is consistently recommending the Supercharger in Frisco on my drive from Denver to Steamboat unless I explicitly tell it to skip that station.
Tim Williams 16 days ago
Awaiting Clarification
Routing Issues
I’m planning a trip from the bay area to Yosemite. I noticed when routing to Yosemite Valley, ABPR sends me through Mariposa instead of going direct via 120 E. This adds about an hour to the drive and is almost double the distance. Why is ABRP doing this, is there way to override the route ABRP is suggesting?
Kai 18 days ago
Awaiting Clarification
Routing Issues
I’m planning a trip from the bay area to Yosemite. I noticed when routing to Yosemite Valley, ABPR sends me through Mariposa instead of going direct via 120 E. This adds about an hour to the drive and is almost double the distance. Why is ABRP doing this, is there way to override the route ABRP is suggesting?
Kai 18 days ago
aqui no Brasil, existem várias redes com variados preços. Deles gratuitos até R$4,00/kw. Gostaria de filtrar por preço. Excluir os mais caros da busca. Outra forma de selecionar seria por nome ou marca. Por exemplo, as redes da Volvo, são gratuitas para veículos volvo, mas cobram 4,00 para outras marcas. Como o meu carro é byd, quero excluir os postos da volvo na busca. Outra feature que pode ser interessante, é a conexão via com a base do plug share. Acho q a maioria dos users já usam o plug share e facilita a busca de postos. Obrigado!
Steve wyse 19 days ago
aqui no Brasil, existem várias redes com variados preços. Deles gratuitos até R$4,00/kw. Gostaria de filtrar por preço. Excluir os mais caros da busca. Outra forma de selecionar seria por nome ou marca. Por exemplo, as redes da Volvo, são gratuitas para veículos volvo, mas cobram 4,00 para outras marcas. Como o meu carro é byd, quero excluir os postos da volvo na busca. Outra feature que pode ser interessante, é a conexão via com a base do plug share. Acho q a maioria dos users já usam o plug share e facilita a busca de postos. Obrigado!
Steve wyse 19 days ago
Traffic displayed colors on the navigation map
The app shows portions of the selected route in orange or red, while it is clear that these colors are not linked in any way with the traffic situation on the road - in 99% of the situations, there is no medium or heavy traffic when reaching a orange- or red-marked road segment. Please fix your source of traffic information, as currently those colors are simply confusing.
Florin Deaconu 23 days ago
Traffic displayed colors on the navigation map
The app shows portions of the selected route in orange or red, while it is clear that these colors are not linked in any way with the traffic situation on the road - in 99% of the situations, there is no medium or heavy traffic when reaching a orange- or red-marked road segment. Please fix your source of traffic information, as currently those colors are simply confusing.
Florin Deaconu 23 days ago
Premium pricing should be PPP adjusted
Premium subscription pricing should be adjusted for each country based on the Purchasing Power Parity. It’s quite expensive for India:
Abhishek Balaji 25 days ago
Premium pricing should be PPP adjusted
Premium subscription pricing should be adjusted for each country based on the Purchasing Power Parity. It’s quite expensive for India:
Abhishek Balaji 25 days ago
Tekel firmaya yönlendirme
İzmir - İstanbul yol güzergahında haftalardır yaptığım planlamalarda sürekli olarak aynı firmanın şarj istasyonlarına yönlendiriliyordum. Bu sebepten yol üzerinde sadece bu firmanın şarj istasyonlarının olduğunu sanıyordum. Fakat konuyu biraz araştırınca bir firmanın bu yolda Otoyol A.Ş. ile ortak bir şekilde TEKEL yapılmaya çalışıldığını öğrendim. Sizin uygulamanız da aynı yakıt istasyonunda daha uygun fiyatlı LUMİCLE ya da BORENCO firmalarına ait olan şarj üniteleri mevcut olsa dahi sürekli olarak bu konuda tekel olan firmaya yönlendirme yapmaktadır. Lütfen bundan vazgeçin, aranızda sponsorluk ya da başka bir anlaşma varsa yönlendirmeden önce bu uyarıyı mutlaka yapın. En doğrusu da mola yerindeki en uygun fiyatlı şarj ünitesini önermek olmalıdır. İyi çalışmalar.
İlker AYIR 26 days ago
Tekel firmaya yönlendirme
İzmir - İstanbul yol güzergahında haftalardır yaptığım planlamalarda sürekli olarak aynı firmanın şarj istasyonlarına yönlendiriliyordum. Bu sebepten yol üzerinde sadece bu firmanın şarj istasyonlarının olduğunu sanıyordum. Fakat konuyu biraz araştırınca bir firmanın bu yolda Otoyol A.Ş. ile ortak bir şekilde TEKEL yapılmaya çalışıldığını öğrendim. Sizin uygulamanız da aynı yakıt istasyonunda daha uygun fiyatlı LUMİCLE ya da BORENCO firmalarına ait olan şarj üniteleri mevcut olsa dahi sürekli olarak bu konuda tekel olan firmaya yönlendirme yapmaktadır. Lütfen bundan vazgeçin, aranızda sponsorluk ya da başka bir anlaşma varsa yönlendirmeden önce bu uyarıyı mutlaka yapın. En doğrusu da mola yerindeki en uygun fiyatlı şarj ünitesini önermek olmalıdır. İyi çalışmalar.
İlker AYIR 26 days ago
1st time user would rate 5/10
Not sure why if create a plan doesn't the app follow.. E.g started fine (only issue was map isn't pointing where going (upside down) the turn indicator was fine but no setting on screen could change… took to 1st stop fine, took to 2nd stop fine.. After 2nd stop it kept wanting to go back to 1st stop not next stop Yass.. Deleted then input Yass then Albury.. Took to Yass.. Tried to leave Yass = can't find Albury (as per plan) so opened google maps and arrived fine.. Not sure will keep using as don't pay for google but couldn't rely on this app
Paul La'Hay About 1 month ago
1st time user would rate 5/10
Not sure why if create a plan doesn't the app follow.. E.g started fine (only issue was map isn't pointing where going (upside down) the turn indicator was fine but no setting on screen could change… took to 1st stop fine, took to 2nd stop fine.. After 2nd stop it kept wanting to go back to 1st stop not next stop Yass.. Deleted then input Yass then Albury.. Took to Yass.. Tried to leave Yass = can't find Albury (as per plan) so opened google maps and arrived fine.. Not sure will keep using as don't pay for google but couldn't rely on this app
Paul La'Hay About 1 month ago
Awaiting Clarification
Navigation through the 'Tunel de Somport' (FR/ES) does not work
I’m trying to create a route from FR to ES, trough the Tunel de Somport’ & station de Canfranc. For some reason, the navigation does not want to take the pass, no mather how many waypoints I add. No blocked roads etc visible in other routeplanners.
Jan Nijsen About 1 month ago
Awaiting Clarification
Navigation through the 'Tunel de Somport' (FR/ES) does not work
I’m trying to create a route from FR to ES, trough the Tunel de Somport’ & station de Canfranc. For some reason, the navigation does not want to take the pass, no mather how many waypoints I add. No blocked roads etc visible in other routeplanners.
Jan Nijsen About 1 month ago
Limited plugs
In plugshare I can choose any plug type that I want. Here I seem to be limited to what my car came with, but I have Tesla and other adapters that I can use not to mention regular 120 volt AC which is the charger that came with the car
erikdonaldson About 1 month ago
Limited plugs
In plugshare I can choose any plug type that I want. Here I seem to be limited to what my car came with, but I have Tesla and other adapters that I can use not to mention regular 120 volt AC which is the charger that came with the car
erikdonaldson About 1 month ago
Bad : Integration of PHEV is mandatory for a paid application
other generally update vehicles in hours or a few days … Have a custom vehicle set of fields for not existing vehicle As keyboard is not usable while driving →>> SIRI as I cannot stop on main roads to add destinations To improve : multi stop and adaptative recharging for PHEV over programmed daily trips to ensure full EV mode all along the day (or maximized EV mode) Thanks
Laurent LE BOURHIS About 1 month ago
Bad : Integration of PHEV is mandatory for a paid application
other generally update vehicles in hours or a few days … Have a custom vehicle set of fields for not existing vehicle As keyboard is not usable while driving →>> SIRI as I cannot stop on main roads to add destinations To improve : multi stop and adaptative recharging for PHEV over programmed daily trips to ensure full EV mode all along the day (or maximized EV mode) Thanks
Laurent LE BOURHIS About 1 month ago
Rota planlamasında iyileştirme
Rota oluşturulduktan sonra isteğe bağlı olarak rota üzerindeki bütün şarj noktalarını gösterebilme
Halit ÇINAR About 1 month ago
Rota planlamasında iyileştirme
Rota oluşturulduktan sonra isteğe bağlı olarak rota üzerindeki bütün şarj noktalarını gösterebilme
Halit ÇINAR About 1 month ago
NZ State Highway 1 (the “Desert Road”) not showing as closed
SH1 “the Desert Road” in NZ, between Turangi and Waiouru is closed for at least two months. This does not show on ABRP navigation.
TJ About 1 month ago
NZ State Highway 1 (the “Desert Road”) not showing as closed
SH1 “the Desert Road” in NZ, between Turangi and Waiouru is closed for at least two months. This does not show on ABRP navigation.
TJ About 1 month ago
Unrealistic charge time given winter conditions
Charge times are about half shorter than what I experience during winter months. What am I doing wrong?
Bern b About 1 month ago
Unrealistic charge time given winter conditions
Charge times are about half shorter than what I experience during winter months. What am I doing wrong?
Bern b About 1 month ago